Take the Elevator
This podcast is purely about elevating people through individual life stories and experiences in the Elevator. In the Elevator, what's key is maybe changing your perspective; having self-actualization; embracing your purpose; and acting on it as we grow from one another. There is a whole different point of view when you look up to elevate.
Take the Elevator
346th Floor: The Importance of Dreams & Owning Your Vision
Ever wondered how dreams can not only shape our lives but also guide our personal and collective aspirations? Inspired by the timeless "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr., we explore the power of dreams in forging our personal visions and the synergy that arises when we support each other’s ambitions. Elevate becomes more than just a mantra; it’s a call to action for infusing positivity and growth into everyday life. Discover the profound impact of nurturing dreams and how they can propel us forward without leaving any room for harm.
We celebrate the liberating journey of pursuing dreams with authenticity. Personal anecdotes reveal the transformative power of stepping out in faith and distinguishing between living our dreams versus conforming to someone else’s success blueprint. We share the inspiring evolution of the upcoming book "Just an LVN" and highlight how collaboration and support can breathe life into creative projects. With each small step forward, we’re reminded of the importance of dreaming big and the undeniable joy that stems from aligning our dreams with our true values and talents.
Look-up, and let's elevate!
Every day. Elevate Every day, elevate Every day. Hey, it's Jen the Builder and Corey and we are on. Take the Elevator, yes, we are, and it's so good to be here, and it it is. It really is on a three-day weekend that's the difference again.
Speaker 2:So I was wondering, why am I excited? Why do I have so much energy? And it's because we had a three-day weekend yeah, very nice weekend.
Speaker 1:So it was martin luther king's birthday. And another special day here in america it was inauguration of president trump our 47th president, yes, indeed, and so that was on our tv. Um, here in california that would have been like a start at eight in the morning. Yeah, do you want to share any thoughts on what you experienced?
Speaker 2:Different climate, different atmosphere. The vibe was pretty welcoming and let's see what happens. I'm not one of those kind of people that, you know, just turn the lights off, get rid of everything, throw out the baby with the bathwater. I want to see what can come, what is possible. I think possibilities are limitless, and today's topic is about dreams, and I'm a pretty big dreamer, just like I'm a big doer. I dream a lot too.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I love how this topic came up for you, corrine. Of course, martin Luther King is known for his I have a dream speech. So today we really wanted to bring forward the importance of dreams and owning your own vision and what that looks like. So again, we want to welcome everyone here. It's so good to have you here. This is a podcast where we take everyday topics and we just elevate them to new levels of positivity and growth. Someone had asked me if you could describe take the elevator in one sentence. What would it be? That's what it would be, and I think for four years we've been pretty consistent with that, I'd like to say. But I do have something to share on a side note. Sure, so elevate has been our mantra for at least four years.
Speaker 2:The entire time we've been doing this podcast. As a matter of fact, the picture behind you says elevate, take the elevator.
Speaker 1:Yes, and that's what the elevator is. It's the tool, the mechanism, the way for movement is to elevate. So that word is not copywritten. A few people have hit us up because you're like, isn't that your word? And we're just seeing that elevate is being used in a lot of context for a lot of different companies, and it touches my heart that that's actually the word for the year of the company that we work at. So I feel, are we aligned with where we work? Absolutely, when you know the people choose that word, of course it speaks to our hearts. So, elevate every day. So, anyways, we're here to elevate your dreams. We're going to dive into the world of dreams and, corey, I don't know what your vision was exactly, but are we going to be talking about the kind that we have while we sleep and the visions and aspirations that propel us forward in life?
Speaker 2:I am so glad you asked me. Oh good, I have a very good prepared answer for you. All right, so you know the famous I have a Dream speech by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr has been a mainstay since his passing and every year we get to hear this speech or we get to understand a little bit more about that speech. It was about five years ago that I realized that that is a, that's still a great speech, but and there's no but to end it it's a and it's still a great speech and it's always going to be his dream. Yeah, that's not my dream.
Speaker 2:I wish his dream would come true for him, but I also wish your dream would come true for you as well. And it's important that we have dreams and that we have goals and things that we want to accomplish and see done, and it's not necessary for us to have to pass away before those dreams come true. So I just wanted to delve deep into not only my dream, your dream and everyone else's dream, but the thought of supporting someone's dream. Of course, with no hurt harm done to anyone, I will support just about any dream. So I wanted to go in at that rate and at that direction.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I think I'm picking up what you're putting down.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:So these are dreams that are more than just lofty ideas, although sometimes that's how it begins right with an idea. When I think of the dream, like MLKs, I think they're let me see if I can find the words are more seeds of purpose and direction right in our lives. And so there's the big dreams and the small dreams, and I think those are going to come up too. So, like when I think about it, I think every great invention, every movement, um, every piece of art started as someone's dream yes, I agree with that a hundred percent yeah, so they're personal and unique and they're very tailored to who we are.
Speaker 1:So gory before this episode. I love that you stopped in my office and you looked at the vision board and that really represents a collection of dreams, but when you look at it in its entirety, it's the big dream.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what inspired.
Speaker 1:This oh, it's that I thought it was uh okay, so well, it's a combination.
Speaker 2:Um, I was thinking about what today, uh, which was monday, the 20th 2025, what that day is, what it represents and why we're all from work, passing by your vision board, I seen a set of dog tags that we had created in 2008. And that was the birth and concept Foundation of the Genco Sound Company, and so it just reminded me that that was our dream as to the end, and so that sounds very movie-esqueesque, but that's exactly how it happened, and and I just combined the two and got really excited seeing that I hadn't seen it in so long, because your vision board is behind the door and I actually shut it, so it was like, oh, that's where that is right, yeah, so when I shut the door and I'm in my office, I see it every day, and what I love about the dog tag it's rusty, it's got some age to it, right, and, corey, we have a date on there that I just really paid attention to today, and it's August of 2008.
Speaker 1:And so I was like there goes the double numbers again just showing up in my life and um eight is a big deal to us. Everyone who knows us knows that august is our birthday, it's our anniversary, and um it's the birthday of jenko sound company as well it sure is.
Speaker 1:So when I think of that dream of jenko, it is something that's given me hope and inspiration and then reminding me of what's possible. Uh, I remember when that was just an idea and we would just start talking about it, right, and then the fact that it stayed alive for so long and just continued to go. The thing is is we didn't define exactly what it was. We knew the vein that it was going to be in, but it has really served as a roadmap for all the things that we do. It was going to be in, but it has really served as a roadmap for all the things that we do.
Speaker 1:Like I've always thought is this something that I've seen or we've seen for Genco? Does it make sense, you know? And so it's been great to have a noted date of birth for a dream that continues to come true. And on this board you mentioned oh, jen, you have all the colored pins for M&Ms, yeah, and the reason why I put that there not only is it colorful, and the fact that we've got some M&Ms decor in the house, but I felt like it was a statement of completion that the dream continues until it's fully done, like we're not just going to experience a blue eminem, but we're going to make sure that we add the orange and the brown. You know what I mean, oh yeah yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Speaker 2:um, I think it's also important, as I said, that that's the birth date of the genco sound company. Of course that's the birth date of the Genco Sound Company. Of course that's the birth of the thought, the idea of putting the company together. But our license charter is also put out on August 28th as well, so that's another the whole thing. Yeah, I just think it's incredible that we've managed to do this thing since 2008 and then have all these different signs of not only completion, but continue to go, continue to grow and push forward. You know, it's not going to end just because it's going to end for a very specific purpose and reason.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's a quote that I've always put down when I talk about um or when I write about the future, and here's the quote. It says dreams are the whispers of our soul.
Speaker 1:They connect us to our innermost desires, even when the noise of the world tries to drown them out right, and that's why our slogan is make some noise yeah uh and we've said this before where the noise gets so loud, like you've got to make your own, you can't listen to the noise of the world around you, and it goes with the same thing. I think other people's dreams are great, and you said earlier, corey, that we were going to talk about what that looks like to support other people's dreams.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But bringing your own dreams, I mean obviously they're your own. You're going to be more committed to them because they are your own.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:And so just to segue from that into something else, jen said a very important part of what we stand for making noise.
Speaker 2:A lot of people think, well, that's kind of counterproductive, right Right, but it's really not, because you're making your noise and you're bringing your sound and your volume to this, and so we did that with the hopes to teach others how to do it for themselves. That because we've been invited in some people's lives to help them be able to create that sound, create that noise, to build their own vision and dreams, and through that, which it's so rewarding that's the word I'm looking for. What's so rewarding about it is when you see the fruits of someone else's labor. We also seen the first recording contract that we had put together and the first artist that we signed, and I did a recording contract with this person and then recorded them, produced them and put out the music, and so that was one of the things. That was another first, but that created his noise. And so I think you know, wow, we had an opportunity to play a part in that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. And for me, Corey noise is such an important concept and that in itself is the dream. So, as a child, I did not speak up for what was right, and when I did, it came out very quiet and it didn't have the impact that I needed it to you know, so when you find freedom in that, when you're not used to even using your voice, sometimes it does sound like noise, and that's okay Noise. The purpose of it is to be heard.
Speaker 2:I'm so glad you said that, jen, because there are so many people and I'm gonna give you a really good example, so, so everyone can understand exactly what I'm talking about. So the first time that you hear yourself in a recording, most people are really shocked, like, oh, that's me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they don't like their voice. They don't like their voice, yeah, and so they're like the real thing.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, but that's how everyone hears you. You don't hear yourself that way, because we have an internal hearing that we hear our own voice, and so it sounds better to us internally. Yeah, voice, and so it sounds better to us internally? Yeah, but the voice that people hear is the one that, when you record, that voice is the one that everyone else hears. So you have to get used to your own voice in order to be able to put it out.
Speaker 1:Okay with it. Yes, and that's such another strong layer to this, because there is a danger when you don't dream at all, or if you dream too small, and if that is because you don't like the sound of your voice, you don't like the noise that you're making. In other words, there might be a fear of failure or comparing yourself to someone else, or those external pressures to be more like this person or be more realistic, or you don't have the credentials to do that. Who do you think you are?
Speaker 2:Right right.
Speaker 1:Those voices are real and they can really stop you from dreaming. When I think of COVID and things in our lives Corey, where we've had major crisis, it's truly the dream that has guided us through those tough times and it gives us something to hold on to. So perfect example we've said this before is that take the elevator was birthed during covid, during times of crisis and us having to stay home. You know what I mean, and because we were so tied to the vision and the dream, the circumstances did not overtake the dream we just showed flexibility and were able to adapt to it.
Speaker 2:And we had a fortunate situation because both Jen and I had recorded our voices and been recorded and sang studio work and stuff like that before, so we already knew what our voices sound like. But imagine if that was the first time that we heard our voices being played back to ourselves. It would have took a moment of adjustment. And so I keep bringing this up because I want everyone to begin to look at what that sounds like, and what that looks like when you hear your own voice, because there's a good possibility that you might not even recognize who you are if you're not used to speaking or using your voice.
Speaker 1:That's right and getting your thoughts out there so important, and we totally advocate using your voice in coaching sessions, seeing a therapist. This is such great places to have your voice heard, because you hear yourself share your thoughts out loud and you're able to process them and you're able to acknowledge that they're very real and that there's a person inside the person that you are working with every day and that your voice matters. So I'm going to ask you a question, Corey. What's the risk of someone dreaming small or not at?
Speaker 2:all of someone dreaming small or not at all. Well, the risk of not dreaming at all is that you just don't have anything to live for, anything to reach, for any goals to try to achieve, and so that's a real big, dangerous zone to be in if you're just not dreaming.
Speaker 3:a dangerous zone to be in if you're just not dreaming.
Speaker 2:Dreaming too small may allow you to accomplish it a little too quick, and then there's nothing left. So there's a very small fizz at the end of your dream where you want a complete, satisfying culmination after your dream. And after your dream has come true and what you're reaching for and I'm a little mixed up in words because I really want to nail that on the head I don't want to say anything that's going to make people feel like did he say that right? No, I really want to nail down that your dream needs to be something that you aspire for, something that you wake up wanting to do every single day, and that nothing is going to hold you back, because this dream is something worth having.
Speaker 1:Right man, that's powerful. And I also think, if I were to have a message that I want to get across, a point that I really want to make, is that for me, until I started pursuing my dreams, I didn't really know my full potential. You know what I mean? Oh yeah, you have an idea, but it isn't until you put yourself out there in pursuit of your dreams that you realize I can actually do this stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Right Like. My contribution means something.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then your dreams become bigger and it gives you this sense of purpose every day.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And that's why I think it's amazing that people choose words that they're going to live by for the year, for their lives, whatever that looks like, that's so important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I wanted to just jump in there real quick, jim, because you probably started at step three. Step one, and step three is coming. But step one is just getting in the water and that place of getting in the water, what do I mean? Getting in the water? I see the look on your face. So you have the dream. That's step one getting into the water. Step two you're in the water and you realize how deep and how vast this ocean really is, and it's scary, it's almost terrifying. But once you acclimate to that environment, that's when you realize all the possibilities, all the limitless things that you have at your fingertips to get a hold of, and nobody has any expectations on you except you. So you set the pace, you set the boundaries and the markers and the goals and the points that you're going to reach. That's when it turns into something so wonderful and so beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, reminds me of that quote that I just wrote a few weeks ago. You go in with no expectations, there's no limitations, and so I want to clarify that in this context. We're also very big about planning.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:So those aren't the kind of expectations that I'm talking about. But when you overthink things, that's when things become scary, and I have to share this story because it wouldn't be true to my authentic self to not share this story, because it wouldn't be true to my authentic self to not. For some of you, you may know this story already where Jesus is walking on water. As we know him, yeshua was walking on water and it was a storm that was happening and one of his disciples, peter, decided I'm going to walk on this water too. And he did for a minute and he lost sight of what was happening and he fell and he had to be rescued. What I love, corey, is that there's a part that we don't really focus on that Peter would have had to walk back on water to get back to the boat, and so when we think things are impossible and it's really just that first step of faith, um, that's what we're talking about. That's the kind of elevation we're saying we're we really are about is it's mind over matter, it's heart over matter, whatever that looks like for you.
Speaker 1:I and I wanted to share a challenge, um question, to anyone who might be experiencing the topic of dreams for the first time where you've not written any dreams that you've had for yourself. Um, one of the questions I had as I was getting older was is am I living my dream or someone else's version of success and that can easily happen in my culture is you know, your parents have the best intentions for you. I did it with my kids. I did it with Kayla, um, where I just thought, man, she would be so good at this and this would be so awesome for her and Kayla. Up until after high school, I thought she wanted to be a lawyer and that's what the aim was and was my dream for, actually me, and I just kind of lend it to kayla, because it didn't happen for me I was like sure this is a dream for somebody.
Speaker 1:If it's not me, then it's you you may borrow it. Yeah, and she just because she's so obedient, she just went with it yeah and then I just realized the like. She doesn't watch court TV with me, she doesn't get excited over these things. And when she was picking her school I said do you want to be a lawyer? Which would have been a great question right Way before, right right, and I remember her like. She's like not really, but I didn't want to break your heart.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, I remember that day very clear.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so now we're going to lead up to just why everyone needs their own dream. For me, there are three concepts here. It's authenticity I just mentioned the word earlier. Your dream reflects who you are at the end of the day. It's about your values, the things that support your talents and your perspective.
Speaker 2:Well, can we talk about that a little bit just?
Speaker 1:a little bit.
Speaker 2:So imagine waking up to do the thing that you want to do every single day and you have the support from not only the people surrounding you, but you have complete and total support from people that have dreamed before you. It's worth it, then, and you're like you know what I'm doing this. But to wake up and do someone else's dream every single day, that could feel like a ton of bricks on you every step of the way.
Speaker 1:I agree. In a situation like that, it's counterintuitive to my second point, which is fulfillment, because when you're dreaming your own dream, what that brings to you is immense satisfaction and joy. Yeah, right, because it's mine and I. I also think it's important that, at least for us, this is how it's worked, because we're about elevating people. We're able to make our dreams come true, even in settings or situations that was not our idea right does that make sense?
Speaker 1:oh yeah. So I think what a beautiful way to have a dream that can flex with you, and I've always said this hold on to your principles and your values and be really relaxed on the method because, it's amazing what you open yourself up to when you're just like anything's possible, j can I ask you a question. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Tell us about a time that you had a dream to do something that you thought was impossible, but once you accomplished it you realized it wasn't impossible. Number one and number two. I probably overthought that one just a little bit too much.
Speaker 1:Oh, that one's easy. That's why I'm all smiles, because it's very recent. It's the dream of writing a book and it really ties to what I'm saying about the method. I thought for sure my first book was going to be called justin lvn, and it just wasn't flowing. Justin lvn just wasn't happening. And when I got involved in the fuzzyry Forest and the opportunity came up for me to write, it made sense because I had, there was no pressure Like I was just part of the force, because it was something you created. So it was normal for me to be the sounding board, me to be the consultant, me to give my ideas, you know that kind of way. So it just lend itself to it and I thought, oh, my goodness, this is what I needed, to stop overthinking, stop overthinking. And because I'm such a socializer, the ability to write with you really helped me gain confidence in being able to write Right.
Speaker 1:So just to know VN is happening and I don't want to give too much on it. But Corey and I have learned through the years our projects have always worked at its best when it's ours, and so we're not breaking that formula. Corey and I are going to continue to do work together, and that's a little hint for Justin LVN. I think that's going to be so good. I love that question too, corey, by the way. And I want to make my third point on why everyone needs their own dream.
Speaker 1:So we mentioned authenticity fulfillment. I also think it's an inspiration to others. So our dreams and this bleeds into how you support other people's dreams, and I think this is where it starts when you dream and when you share about it, you show others that it's possible for them to do the same thing. We are not so super special that we can do this and you can't. We totally believe that you can and we're so open to people's dreams being bigger than ours. Or you know, their milestones are more huge, or it makes more, whatever it looks like. Those are reasons to celebrate, can I tell you a secret yes just to me.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, you already know the answer to this okay, I'm asking the audience.
Speaker 2:Can I tell them a secret? It always works better for jen and I because when we support one another and there's that honest give and take, and I get it. Everybody can't work together with their spouse, Everyone can't work together with someone else. So I'm not saying that you've got to have someone, but for us it works because we're there to support one another. I've accomplished so much because of Jen and she's accomplished so much because of Jen and she's accomplished so much and I say this with confidence. I don't have to ask her Because of me and us together we're constantly pushing and pulling one another and nurturing and nurturing one another to be able to go to that next goal, that next level, that next dream that we have.
Speaker 2:So that's why the dreams and the goals have gotten a little bit easier for me. It doesn't feel so burdensome when I have a little bit of help. Now, if you say, Corey, can you do this by yourself? Probably not. No, I'm playing. I probably could. But why bother if you have help, if you have a team, if you have someone in the dream with you?
Speaker 1:Right, right. Who's bought in as much as you are?
Speaker 2:Bought in, paid in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So there's you know. Another aspect to dreaming is the fact that you need to nurture it. So what does that look like? Corey mentioned the vision board, or I did. Whoever did is visualize it. I think that's so important.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Setting these goals and, corey, you're really good at that. I mean I'll be like, yeah, let's set these goals. And I'm big, I'm huge, right. And so, corey, one of your gifts is being able to break it down to small, actionable items. And so the confidence in checking things off cause we got those done Like that has been such a beautiful thing in this journey Um, staying committed. You know I'm I'm going to give you guys a little um behind the scenes thing. Corey said, okay, well, I did this today and this, this and that. And I said, okay, then are you going to relax with me? You're like, no, we have to record the podcast. I was like, oh, I thought it was a holiday, but it was.
Speaker 1:You know it's it's staying committed and being resilient and consistent. So when you have a podcast we've learned this hard way and again, people learn through their mistakes throughout the dreaming process Is when we've dropped the ball and showed inconsistency. It showed in our numbers, yeah. So we've got to remember that it's our dream and no one else is going to make it happen for us. No one. If not us, then no one, nope. And then last is celebrating our progress, which I know I'm really good at, because I love a good celebration let me tell you jim can celebrate some of the strangest things um.
Speaker 2:Can I share this, please, so um?
Speaker 1:I noticed he didn't give me time to answer.
Speaker 2:I have reduced my sugar intake yet again, and in doing that, jen has followed suit, and so there are things that Jen has missed over the years, that I knew she's been missing, and so one of those things was and is the Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, you know the blue bag and the red bag, those ones and dunking it in milk. Yes, we came across a very good product called Milton's and it is a phenomenal, but the thing is, honey, I don't think it's called Milton's.
Speaker 1:It is an M, oh, but I think it might be Mullins or Mullers. I'll make sure to look it up in case anyone wants to join in on the sugar-free chocolate chip cookies.
Speaker 2:yeah, we'll get that to you soon as possible, but we found that and we bought it and jen tried it. She thought it was phenomenal and, guys, I seen pure bliss and joy on her face and we celebrated, and jen knows how to celebrate.
Speaker 1:So we had a good time. And then we I found a substitute for milk and I, you know some people don't like almond oat milk. I understand that and it's not. This is actually cow's milk, but it's ultra filtered and there's no added sugar and it's just a better substitute for low-fat milk. And so, yeah, I was able to dunk the cookie in the cup. But let me not get started. It was just so good. It was very celebratory. It's a dream come true.
Speaker 1:So, before we end the episode, we're just going to give some updates, but I really wanted to segue into this because we're going to share a song from the fuzzy furry forest soundtrack. I want to end this before you hear the song. I really, we, we really want to encourage you to dream big. Um, so if you're listening to this and you're feeling unsure about your dreams, take this episode as your sign to dream boldly. It's never too late to start. It's never too late to pivot or reimagine your vision. You are allowed to do that. So I encourage you today to write down one dream you've been holding back on and take the first step to make it happen.
Speaker 2:Yes, small step, whatever it is yes. And when she says Small step, whatever it is yes. And when she says dream big, life-size, not fun-size, dream huge.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, and if we haven't made it clear during this episode, dreams are the lifeblood of creativity, purpose and progress. It's needed. They're what makes us human and keeps us striving for more, and we are so excited to share one of our dreams with you that have come true, and that's the soundtrack to fuzzy furry forest. So cory has selected a song that he'd like to share as a result of our dreams, and we're here to celebrate with you. This one's about who terry tortoise.
Speaker 3:Terry tortoise in the fuzzy forest. We all know Late to the party but he's right on time. Smooth attitude got that Motown shine. He's the house at the crack of dawn. By the time you arise all the worries are gone. Slide and sway with the bluesy beat. Every shell shake and step. So sweet, Slow and steady, got the groove. Every move makes you want to move. Terry's here, no time to lose. In the boozy beat we cruise Forest folks all gather round. When Terry's in town, there's a joyful sound, Hootin' and hollerin' all night long To the beat of that Motown song. A little effort never wrong. Terry's groove keeps us strong In the forest where the melodies play, dancing till the break of day.
Speaker 3:Some say he's too slow for the show, but he's got that rhythm in his soul. With each step he sets the tone. Terry's moves make the forest his own. Ooh, We'll be right back. Terry's here, no time to lose. In the bluesy beat, we cruise Forest folks all gather round. When Terry's in town, there's a joyful sound. Forest folks all gather round. When Terry's in town, there's a joyful sound. Terry's here, no time to lose. In the bluesy beat we cruise Forest folks all gather round round. When Terry's in town, there's a joyful sound Hootin' hootin' In the bluesy beat we cruise.
Speaker 1:Hey, that's Terry Tortoise and his character, her character I don't even know what Terry is is introduced in Sheriff Slinky Snake. So that is my hot announcement, and I say mine because you know it's my first co-written book. It's mine and Corey's, but I'm just going to say mine for right now. So, sheriff Slinky Snake, it's amazing how things work out and this is the fun part of my dreaming journey. I've invited places of fun and playfulness. It's a must for me. So when I discovered that Lunar New Year is Year of the Snake and that's the first book we're releasing this year and things just panned out this way, it's like this is how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to release this book earlier and we had some hiccups and some barriers. So we are releasing Sheriff Slinky Snake on the 29th of January for the Lunar New Year, which is Year of the Snake. All right, it's going to be amazing. I'm excited about that.
Speaker 1:So that's my hot announcement. Do you have any? Let's go. All right, y'all. Well, you know it's a. Take the elevator. We say look up and let's elevate.
Speaker 1:Every day Elevate, every day Elevate. That was a good song. Yeah, it was.
Speaker 2:Terry Tortoise's Elevate Really like that. Thanks, his name is John T Tones. That's the voice you know. The name John goes under Nice, john T Tones.
Speaker 1:And, by the way, congratulations to Ben and his family for winning the Oswald plushie giveaway. We're going to have some pictures to share Soon. Alright, see y'all later. Thanks for tuning in.