Take the Elevator
This podcast is purely about elevating people through individual life stories and experiences in the Elevator. In the Elevator, what's key is maybe changing your perspective; having self-actualization; embracing your purpose; and acting on it as we grow from one another. There is a whole different point of view when you look up to elevate.
Take the Elevator
343rd Floor: Breaking Free, Tackling Toxicity, and Elevating into 2025
Reflect on 2024 with us, a year where we learned that true growth lies in consistency and the freedom of taking well-deserved breaks. What if breaking free from self-imposed expectations could unlock your creativity and spontaneity? Discover how we've embraced new ventures, like starting a podcast, and how we’re gearing up for 2025 with fresh goals, first-time adventures, and the unique idea of habit stacking from "Atomic Habits."
Tackle the challenging realms of toxicity head-on as we explore its impact on personal and professional environments. Learn the art of setting boundaries through self-awareness and effective communication with "I statements." Find out how to maintain a positive mindset by walking away from negativity, handling toxic interactions, and fostering environments conducive to personal growth and creativity, despite the presence of boldly toxic individuals.
Uncover the power of humility and collaboration in countering toxicity and fostering positive spaces. Humility is not a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a superpower that helps us remain grounded and curious. By prioritizing collaboration over competition and celebrating others' successes, we can uplift each other and create a more inclusive atmosphere. As we bid farewell to 2024 and welcome 2025, let’s join together, elevate our spirits, and embrace the new year with hope and enthusiasm. Happy New Year!
hey, it's jen the builder and cory, and welcome to take the elevator. The last episode of 2024.
Speaker 2:And just like that, jen, it's a wrap Poof, ba-dum-bum, poof, you know. Other than a few breaks and a couple of vacations, we did pretty solid this year. I thanked everyone that hung in there with us as we took those breaks and vacations. But yeah, we have become very consistent and and it's been a joy to do that. So thank you guys.
Speaker 1:I love what you're saying about taking breaks because, as I think about 2024, I think we broke free from quite a few things unbeknownst to us. I didn't realize that until you said that taking a break.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And taking a break was actually breaking free from the expectations that we put upon ourselves. Remember that quote I just created.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I've been in this really cool space of creating and challenging myself and I wrote a blog and the quote said something like this when I let go of the expectations, I experienced no limitations.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a really good quote and I'm going to be using that. Yeah, come 2025. I love that. You know, 2025 is offering a lot of big things for us, and I hope it's offering a lot of big things for you guys too. I just wanted to say this before we get too deep into whatever we're going to be talking about. You know, if you're interested in starting a podcast, if you're interested in seeing what else is out there for you to I don't know let's say, be creative, explore, challenge yourself. You know what, reach out to us and tell us what you'd like to do and if we could be of any assistance. You know, being an elevator is more than just elevating yourself. You have to elevate someone else in order to be an effective elevator. So I'm just going to put us out there. If that's something you're looking to do, maybe we can help you out, maybe we can give you some pointers, and if you want to go deeper than that, then we'll talk about that and what that looks like.
Speaker 1:We'd love to do that, I think when we started podcast. Breaking free in that moment was from overthinking.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Whenever people typically start something new, they go into, it needs to be perfect. It's got to be this before it can be that.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And I think, because of the time that we did the podcast, we were just like we're breaking free from all of this because who knows what's happening right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, that was a big part of it Just saying, you know what, let's just do what we want to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we hope that, whatever you're thinking about doing, break free from the overthinking.
Speaker 1:Yeah way free from that. Yeah, because that kind of stuff will hold you down for sure. So, speaking of breaking free, a lot of people create goals, whether be at work, right, your professional goals, your personal development goals, and we have some for genco, for sure, and the fuzzy furry forest. That, no doubt, is very serious stuff, and so I create things for me that are more fun. Um, not that genco is not fun and not that works not, but this is fun at a whole. Nother level.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I want to be real clear, crystal clear on this. So jen knows how to bring the fun and she is like, uh, if I have a a in fun, she has a doctorate in fun. She knows how to bring the fun and the happy. So, yeah, her stuff is always going to be a lot more enjoyable than some of the things I'm creating and involved in.
Speaker 1:Aw, enjoyable in a different way. Yeah, I think it's more wacky and quirky. There you go. So I'm on this kick about doing things for the first time in 2025. What I did is, furthermore, challenge myself to start doing it at the end of 2024. So some of you may have seen the reel already. It's getting quite a few plays.
Speaker 2:If you haven't check it out on Instagram. It's hilarious, hilarious.
Speaker 1:So I tried caviar for the first time and I promise yes, I'm 51 and I legit have not had caviar, but yes, I have, so that was a good time for New Year's Day. I'd love to hear what you all have planned. What I'm going to do for my husband is create one of our favorite dishes that we like to have a kingfish. So they have. What is it called?
Speaker 2:Misoyaki.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's Chilean sea bass and it's to die for, and so with that comes cost I would not die for it.
Speaker 2:Well, but I would live for it yes we'll live for it.
Speaker 1:There you go. So I'm gonna make a miso based soup with salmon yes and so that's the first I haven't done that and so I ordered all the um things that I needed. That's fun, and then my other first to couple with it, because I love kind of habit stacking. So I'm starting to do the first and first things. I have a cool instapot just sitting on the counter and I have not used it yet yeah, it's time yeah, so those are my first for right on january 1st.
Speaker 2:I'm so excited hey, I like that word you used what instapot. No habit stacking man. I'm taking that it's mine gotcha do it.
Speaker 1:So I wish I could take credit for that one. But if y'all want to get into good book for the new year, Atomic Habits Excellent. That's where I got Habits Stacking. He's got a bunch of good pointers on how to create good habits.
Speaker 2:Nice.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So, speaking of creating habits, we are creating the habit to follow through with what we've said. So last episode, we talked about toxicity, toxicity, yeah, and we said we're not gonna solve anything right now, we're just gonna let it land and let it breathe a little bit. Well, we want to break free from toxicity, right, absolutely so. I'm so excited, cory, that you get to lead us in this dialogue, and I am just here to be in it and be present. Well, are we gonna share the results first or oh?
Speaker 1:so my ipad's acting up, but I can share the results like overall.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if that's okay yeah, this is exciting, guys, you want to hear this.
Speaker 2:If you heard the last podcast, then you would know what we're talking about, but if you didn't, let me just fill you in a little bit.
Speaker 2:So we had this survey that we sent out, and if you went to where Jen told you to go to download it or to fill it out, then you would know that it was a series of questions that was asking you how you would handle certain things or how you feel about certain things, and then it gives you this overall score, and so we had quite a few people take it, and I'm really excited about this because I love engagement and when people engage with what we're talking about, it just lets us know that we're on the right track with the conversations we're having on Take the Elevator. So some of the results came in and we're not going to talk about who we think or who we assume did what or anything like that, because it's not important. What's important is is that people are engaging. So there's a few people that turned in some things and Jen's going to give us some overall results, and I know that was a little bit muddled, but here we go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, excuse me for that-fi is running real slow right now, but that's all, it's all good. So we had a total of six questions on the mini assessment. That said, are you the cocky one?
Speaker 2:yeah, and I think we had like 25 people. Yeah, uh, answer the, which is good.
Speaker 1:You know that means they took the time to take it, and that's a big moment for us, because who the heck wants to sit there and take this assessment? But I'm going to say this For the 25 elevators that took it Corey, this is a group of humble, confident people.
Speaker 2:Yes and I love it.
Speaker 1:There's only one, so 20% for this one question. It was something along the lines when I enter a room, I expect to be the center of attention, or I am the center of attention. One person said they were, and now I wrote the assessment and I thought well, does that really mean you're cocky? You could just be one of those people that have that kind of presence, right like right. So I thought uh, I could have.
Speaker 2:I could have maybe changed this question up a little bit no, no, no, I see I think that was the perfect question, because there's so many different ways it can go. So maybe you do feel like you're the center of attention when you walk in the room, or perhaps you're the keynote speaker and so everyone is gonna notice you anyway, right, and so you would expect that someone would you know, or the majority of people would be paying attention to who you are, what you're doing and why you're making your way up to the stage.
Speaker 1:Um, right, which proves my point right. That is a uh question that could have been worded a little differently, you know? Okay, I hear you yeah, but so everyone was in that space of um confident yet humble, right? I love the honesty in this question. Um, most of us actually here chose sometimes, but I try to keep it to myself. The question was do you find yourself thinking I could have done that better? When others succeed? And 80% of us thought sometimes, but I try to keep it to myself.
Speaker 2:Now you know what's interesting for me on that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I never think that, because I just don't compete with people in that way, I'm always in competition with myself. It's hard for me to compete with other people because I may already feel like there's nothing to compete about. I need to challenge myself because I'm going to set a bar that I probably can't get over, and so that's my rationale anyway.
Speaker 1:I remember when we had that conversation years ago and you said I'm my own competition. Right right, I'm contra, mon cher, like I love competition, and sometimes to the point where there is no competition, but I'll create one Because I love games, I love gamification. For me it's a motivating factor.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So I will sometimes think I could have done that better. But, then guess what I'm like? Shut the heck up, jen. I don't know if you've ever done this anyone listening where there is like a legit conversation going on in your head with yourself.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's how it is for me when that comes up.
Speaker 2:Nice, nice. So yeah, again, just you know, going over the fact that we had this survey and had some people answer some questions and we got pretty good results, and do we still have that survey available? If someone we do, okay, we do you want to share a little bit?
Speaker 1:yeah, so on my instagram, jen the builder underscore elevate. It is in my bio yeah, the link so you can still participate in that. Corey and I are going to be on Zoom after the new year, shortly after, to talk about the assessment a little bit and be able to talk to you instead of just having this one-way conversation on this podcast.
Speaker 2:Right. So let's jump right into it. How do we dial back from the toxicity? How do we tone down, how do we not be so overly confident or even toxic? I mean, any form of toxicity is going to be a bad thing. So let's talk about how we can dial it back and remove the poisons that can make us, you know, not that desirable to hang around with.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So where do you want to start, corey? Because there's self and what we bring into a toxic environment, and then there's how to deal with others who bring it. So I think starting with self first is always a good place to be.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, and in starting with self, I'm going to introduce the method of walking away. Sometimes we as people have to know it's time for me to walk away from this environment, from this conversation, from this group of people. And that's just because you've entered into a toxic type environment. And so what ends up happening is you just kind of join in and before you know it, you're just oozing with this as well. Now there's that flip side and we'll get to that in just a hot second that you bring the toxicity to the conversation or that you're already present in the room with the toxic behavior. But for the most of us, I would say we just have to learn when to walk away and when to say not going to engage in that. I really need a more positive mindset. So I'm going to do something a little bit different this time around and hopefully you can make that a pattern and a habit to do that, opposed to join in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, really good tip. So that's a tip on how to deal with others who are toxic. So I'll stay in that. And so when I hear what you're saying, it's really around setting boundaries right and just learning to disengage from unproductive or negative interactions, right, and it's really easy for me maybe not for you or anyone else but to get sucked in because I'm very much a socializer and so if any of you know about communication style, socializers boy, they're just like in it, that's. It's. What gives me energy is to be able to socialize, yeah, and so to walk away it's like, oh, I don't get to socialize anymore, so let me stay in that vein of being a socializer.
Speaker 1:I think what you can do in that environment, too, is address it directly, and good rule of thumb is using I statements on how to express how their behavior affects you. So what I mean by that is, instead of saying to someone you're always so negative or you always talk about Corey and it's just rude, right? Yeah, using an I statement would be something like I am uncomfortable when you talk about my husband, right, so it's I, and then the feelings and how it's impacting me, right? So typically, when people on the receiving end, they don't feel so so attacked. So there's a good tip.
Speaker 2:I like that Because when you said that, it sounded to me like you can put that in just about any situation combination that you want to. I don't feel comfortable having this kind of conversation at work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 2:I don't feel comfortable with you sharing your opinions and feelings about the boss or the supervisor or the manager in those contexts, or however you want to word that. That's just a really good escape, and not only is it a good escape, it's probably a healthy escape and you can save your job, you can save yourself and probably that person that's having that conversation. And those are green flags, because we always talk about red flags, but those are green flags. If someone should say that to us, they're actually giving you a way out, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So, greg, let me ask you Sure, if the person who's being toxic is kind of attacking you in your present, how do you deal with that situation?
Speaker 2:I'm I'm uh, and I'm sorry, I got excited when you said that I'm just a straight to the point kind of person. Yeah, I don't like to swim around it and pretend like you know, I need to soften it or jelly or sugarcoat it. That's the the proper term that I was looking for. Um, I'll just say in my mind, not not going there today, not having this today, and I'll just shut it down and I'll simply say you know what? I got some stuff I got to take care of. I'm not able to have this conversation now. Got to go somewhere, got to do something. Oh, that's my phone.
Speaker 2:Let me get back to whatever I was doing before, because I typically don't operate in that negative space. And so when it's brought to me and I'm saying this with confidence because I know I just don't have time and I don't like to operate in negativity, so if it's brought to me, I'm forcing myself to get back into the space that I'm supposed to be in. You can't create when you're in a negative space or a toxic space. It's important for creators, elevators and I'm talking to everyone listening because I know you're definitely an elevator, so it's it's almost impossible for you to to create, elevate in that negativity. So get out of there as quickly, just get out out.
Speaker 1:Do whatever you got to do, get out and then I think too I'm going to kind of counter that, sure, because I think number one that's wise is just remove yourself from that, especially in a work situation where it can escalate. This is where conflict avoidance is actually a very smart thing. Now I've had people who have done this to me chronically and if I always exit, the behavior continues right. So I tried this one time and it actually worked. And I have to tell you, inside I was not confident but I was like I just got to try something different. Okay, because I need different results. Oh, I'm interested what you got. So I respectfully said what did you say? I'm sorry I might have misunderstood that and they boldly repeat and I just look at them and it's that silence that kind of echoes what they've just said and it plays in the silence and for me it actually worked in that moment because this person heard themselves in what they said.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And I just looked at them.
Speaker 2:I so wish that that would work the majority of times.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But let me just tell you, there are some individuals that are really, really bold in their toxic behavior and, as you said, they restate the words they just spewed out and have no regret in saying it, and then that's when you're really forced to deal with it. I would just like to offer this, as you know, not a solution, but please brace yourself, because some people are just that bold. They just don't care.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. So I think the conflict management style you choose is super important, based on the situation. Yeah, yeah, anyhow. Can I add one other thing? Sure, yeah, anyhow. Can I add one other thing? So, is getting out of the toxic environment, is not feeding the ego and I'm talking about the ego of the other person, right? So not paying attention to it, not recognizing it, not laughing along with them you know, right, and that's really difficult for a people pleasing type of person.
Speaker 2:I know, and I know you're going to jump all over this, but when you're a people pleasing type of person, you don't want to leave anyone out of the loop. You don't want anyone to feel like they're having a conversation by themselves. I'm excellent at that. I can just you really are I can just sit and not say a single word.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to laugh, and it's not to be rude. So let's, please, let's not get that mixed up, right? It's just. I know, if I give oxygen to a fire, that's already out of control, exactly, it's just going to get further out of control and possibly consume me. So I won't give it oxygen and I refuse to feed into it, and that's why I have to say something. And again, there are those that are just that bold. They just don't care. And I've had, I have, I have had to go the step further and say, hey, what you're doing right now is not helping. It's actually moving the needle in the opposite direction. I can't do this. I need to be able to function in a more positive manner. And I've had people still go forward with it, like they'll acknowledge that you just said what you said, but then within seconds, they're right back into it. Yeah, and that's when I exit. That's when I got to walk, I got to go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, again, very wise to just go. So for the people pleaser, that's another episode, and I don't think that we've really delved into it. Because the question is what's making you want to please people? What are you lacking or what is at the root cause of that? Right? And I think when you get to that point is when you can determine if, like, let me give an example real quick.
Speaker 1:So if I'm a people pleaser because usually people please people because they want to be liked or accepted, right, let's say, for me it's, uh, because my purpose is people, I want to place everyone on positive levels every day. So you know I'm, I want to be nice, I want to be kind to them and acknowledge and make them feel like they belong. Well, then I get to look at my values of being kind, of elevating, and what that really means. And when I really get down to it, being kind is being honest, being kind is being authentic, being kind is wanting to see them grow instead of keeping them in a space that is highly offensive and no one wants to say so. You know what I mean, oh, yeah, so I think value work is super important when you do that. And so if anyone's listening to this and says I'm a people pleaser and I can't figure this out.
Speaker 2:Like with anything, I recommend, uh, getting a coach talking to someone about it, because it really helps yeah, you know, got to talk your way through that because there's layers to the people pleasing personality type and Jen and I talked about this years and years and years ago and we bought this book called the Disease to Please and it just opens up so many doors and turns on so many lights to why the behavior exists and what you're trying to accomplish, but you never seem to be able to accomplish that.
Speaker 1:And it really is a sickness right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, anyhow. So, oh, and then, by the way, for those who don't know, I am a coach and I very much believe in the power of journaling, because it's the same thing as talking out, it's writing things down, self reflecting and getting in that space. Just putting a plug for myself out there, Plug away, All right.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about speaking of that self reflection for recovery. So recovery from this environment that you might have contributed to or maybe not. So here's a great question Am I contributing to this environment? So if you're in a team or if you have familial relationships and you find it toxic, ask yourself am I contributing to this environment If you're saying something to fuel it, yes.
Speaker 2:If you're not saying anything at all, yes. And if you're laughing because there are funny parts of it, but frowning on other parts, yes. We have to learn as elevators to stand in opposition to toxicity. It grows out of control so flipping quick. It's amazing. You think and and this is what I've learned over the years you know, um, you're thinking that this couldn't be harmful, this won't hurt anyone, this won't go anywhere past this room, but you have no clue what the toxic person is prepared to do. And yes, I just rhymed there, but wasn't trying to Toxic.
Speaker 2:People love to elevate it to the next level. It's never good enough to have the room laughing. They need everyone laughing, they need everyone involved. And so they'll walk out of a room after they've spewed toxicity all over the place and then go tell someone else. And then tell someone else and, before you know it, everybody knows, yeah. And then the questions begin to happen who was there? And your name is going to be on that list and you didn't say anything, so you're contributing. Yeah, good point. Yeah, you're contributing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, good point. Yeah, we don't really pay attention to the things that contribute to that.
Speaker 2:Right right.
Speaker 1:Right. So yeah, that's a little bit of an example of how journaling helps. Is that self-reflection, corey? There's this thing that I've read where it says humility isn't a weakness, it's a strength. You care to elaborate on that or tell us what you think about that quote.
Speaker 2:Um, I'm not sure how everyone's humility shows up, and that's where I'm torn on that question. Some people's humility shows up a whole lot different than others, and when that happens I'm questioning is that really true humility, or is that embarrassment, is that lack of confidence? What is that? Because, again, it shows up in so many different forms. So I can't say I fully subscribe to that ideology.
Speaker 2:Okay, so it's basically finding out from the individual what humility means to them and how it looks Right, because some people think that humility means that you're always eating crow, you're always apologizing, you're always on the bad end of the stick, and that's their form of humility. And I'm like what are you doing? That is not the way you play. Humble like eating humble pie all day and all night, you know Right. So it's one of those things for me that it just depends on how it shows up for each individual.
Speaker 1:That's really good, because the question that I would reflect on, based on that, is what does humility mean to me? How does it show up and how does it line up with who I am? Right? So yeah, really good stuff there. Then, of course, with humility, keeping from getting cocky as you're confident in who you are, because that's what we promote here too. That's part of elevating people is know who you are, know who's you are, and what you bring and the gifts that are yours are solely yours, right? That's a big deal. So how do you keep yourself grounded?
Speaker 2:big deal. So how do you keep yourself grounded? The way I keep myself grounded is the more I think I know is, the more I know I really don't know. So I'm always in student mode when I think I know a lot of stuff, nice, and so it keeps me grounded and it keeps me from going to that edge of the cliff where I'm like I got this, I know all about this. I mean playing bass.
Speaker 2:People have told me some outlandish things and I'm not raining on their parade for thinking that I'm a good bassist. What I'm simply saying is that I know how much I don't know about playing bass. So when someone says, oh my God, you're the most incredible bassist I've ever heard, that's just in one ear and out the other, because I know for a fact that I could study bass from now until 20 years from now and still know. There's so much more for me to know and learn, and with any other subject I feel the exact same way. So I'm able to stay humble in that way, because I'm not taking any credit that I shouldn't be taking credit for If they just tell me I'm a good bassist. Thank you very much.
Speaker 1:I'm glad you think so, but I know where I'm trying to get to, and that finish line is a long ways away again the competition with yourself, yeah, so I want to talk about that real quick competition and how, what a strategy I've used to stay away from being competitive with other people, especially if anyone's here and you're a leader of a team. You don't want to. You don't want to be that. Um, the quickest way to get over that is to get into collaborative space, the we space yeah right.
Speaker 1:Bring people in, delegate, use them for their strengths and not rely solely on your own. Easily, easily get over the competition thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah that, that saying pride cometh before the fall, it's a real thing. It is so real. And if you're a leader or someone that's in charge of a group of people and you're acting in pride or or cockiness, uh it's, it's a long, hard, rough, harsh fall when you're in that position because everyone's watching and they always tell you there's someone always watching you, just when you think no one's watching, no one's seeing that Everyone is seeing it and then it's just going to get around.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think last episode too, corey, we touched on celebrating other people's wins, right, and letting that be the thing we mentioned, staying curious, yeah. And we shared a story about. Because we lacked curiosity and we were so quick to prove our point we knew what stand we wanted to make. Were so quick to prove our point, we knew what stand we wanted to make, we missed out and actually could have caused some harm there in in the way we presented and guys.
Speaker 2:I just wanted to share this with you. You know, I talked to a lot of different people every after every episode and it's so enjoyable to hear the wins and the things that they're accomplishing. I don't want to always. I talk about what we're doing here, because this is where we are able to announce what's going on, and on our platform, which is the podcast. But if I, if I see anybody I'm not, you know, vomiting all the things I'm doing and places I'm going, and anyone that knows me can attest to this they have to ask me or bring it up. Hey, I heard you say you had to do this or you're going to go here, but I just really want to hear your guys' wins. I want to see what you guys are up to. So that's why I'm always inquisitive about your next move or what your, your families, are doing kids in sports, kids in scholastic type of uh ordeals, you know absolutely that.
Speaker 1:that's awesome to celebrate other people's wins. Another thing and I'm going to end with this that I really seen you you role model this so well is you seek feedback all the time on things that you're working on or a thought, that you have an idea, and you also offer your feedback, and I think that's important in this space that we're in as far as creating, putting yourself out there right and elevating people and the work that they do Feedback so important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do do that, and it's a scary situation, jen, because people are brutally honest with me and if it's not something they like or they're not cool with, they tell me, and so I'm really trying to learn in real time how to better whatever it is. I'm getting advice on Love, that Well.
Speaker 1:I'm getting advice on Love. That Well, I think we covered everything. I do want to say that we are about to Everyone. Listen up, we are almost going to give Oswald the plushie away, oswald the wise old owl is up for grabs, and right now it's a three-way tie.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to. It's so funny because it's a three-way tie. Yeah, so I'm gonna. It's so funny because it's a three-way tie. We're gonna have three more ways where you can be the winner of this amazing plushie. He's big, like I think. For retail he would go about fifty dollars.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so absolutely free. He's part of the Fuzzy Furry Forest. If you haven't got the book yet, it's available on Amazon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I really want to even make it more challenging. I'd love to see some more people heavily engaged to get this Oswald, only because you know it's going for a good cause, it's for kids, it's for uh reading and and understanding and building those uh bridges, yeah, friendships definitely so.
Speaker 1:I love to say this there is an oswald song and we had actually someone played the song at a daycare that their kid went to and we saw the kids dance to it. If you can I don't know send us a reel or let us know how your kids or people you know react to the song. That'd be cool. We'll put you in for the raffle. Yeah, and then more to come on that.
Speaker 2:Speaking of songs, jen, yeah, we got another song that we're going to play today and we're going a little bit longer than normal, but this is our last show of the year, so we're just enjoying it, having a good time. But this is a song about uh, sheriff slinky snake and this is the book coming out 1125. And we're just so excited about it. And this song was put together by our daughter and our son-in-law, michaela and John, and guys, you can't be mad about your family putting together a song for a book that you and your wife wrote together, or me and my wife wrote together. So we're going to be playing that right now and hope you guys enjoy that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think this song is just the vibes for the book. I love how they brought Sheriff Slinky Snake alive in music. Yeah, again, you know this book is close to my heart. It's my first one ever, you guys, so I'm going to be talking about it, I'm going to be putting reels up, I'm going to like pre-sell just to start getting out there. But yeah, here is Sheriff Slinky Snake. I hope you enjoy.
Speaker 3:Hey, yeah, badge, in search of a new name. He speaks, it just stutters, but his eyes are sharp. With every case he cracks. He plays a jazzy harp, making up the mysteries when the night is still solving ghostly crimes. With his slithering skills, slinky snakes the name in a forest full of cheer. With each sway, jazz knows his true intentions, clear, jaded past behind him, in the moonlight's gentle glow, solving make-believe cases. In the shadows they flow, furry friends they gather. When Slinky's on the prowl, he crawls beneath their feet with an open growl. Shadows and silhouettes, he twists around each clue, imaginary dangers only he could construe. The night is velvet. He scales a shimmered gleam in fuzzy, furry forest. Life's not, as it may seem, bye. But a sheriff's slinky-snakey makes the daylight right when raveling the fabric of a self-made night. Oh, the wind, it whispers like a saxophone's call. It's past the bluesy ballad echoing in the hall. But his sheriff's squeaky snake, he makes the daylight ride, unraveling the fabric of a self-made night.
Speaker 1:Hope you loved it. I love that song. You gotta have your headphones to me or your surround sound. Turn that bass up and enjoy. Well, everyone, I hope you had an amazing 2024. And I know that it's been rough for a lot of people, but you made it.
Speaker 3:You're here.
Speaker 1:2025 is right around the corner and let's just be all about it and be there for one another. There you go. You know what's to take the elevator? We say look up and let's elevate, elevate.
Speaker 2:Every day, elevate Every day. Happy New Year.
Speaker 1:Happy New Year.