Take the Elevator
This podcast is purely about elevating people through individual life stories and experiences in the Elevator. In the Elevator, what's key is maybe changing your perspective; having self-actualization; embracing your purpose; and acting on it as we grow from one another. There is a whole different point of view when you look up to elevate.
Take the Elevator
336th Floor: Balancing Life's Transitions: Prioritization, Memories, and Motivation
Have you ever wondered how to juggle chaotic transitions while maintaining your sanity? Join us as we uncover the secrets to mastering personal and professional prioritization techniques amidst the whirlwind of change. Gen opens up about her surprises while Kory shares his philosophy of living life at full throttle, from work to personal relationships, showcasing the power of giving your all. We tackle the art of balancing a hectic schedule by identifying what truly matters and providing insights into when to push and delegate.
Reflecting on life's transitions, we highlight the comforting embrace of memories and gratitude. Kory's heartfelt story of moving from a cherished family home of 13 years exemplifies the beauty of commemorating change with reflection and thankfulness. We also explore the challenges tied to life's ups and downs, like coping with family loss while maintaining hope for the future. As we look ahead with optimism, our journey underscores the significance of kindness and motivation. From small acts of compassion to the innovative blend of music with children's stories, we illustrate how these elements enrich our connections and moments with loved ones.
Hey, it's Jen the Build. Like sorry about the dude thing, but it's just blowing me away that it's gone by so fast truly, truly so.
Speaker 1:I'm um holding my breath. Here's the thing with this new setting in november. You know, we're in this new studio. I feel like I'm still adjusting, yes, yes.
Speaker 2:And speaking of adjusting adjusting to the time- oh yeah, because the time did change, it fell back, which helps me a great deal. I'm actually kind of happy about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I have a riddle though, because I don't know where you're at in the world listening to this, but I promise I thought here in California we had voted to knock off the whole daylight savings time and I can never understand why we keep going forward with it.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, so the thing is is that, well, we all know what daylight savings time was for. It started out for the farmers and being able to have extra time to get things done. They needed to get done and they did. They passed the I don't know if it was a law or judgment or a ruling or whatever it was to be able to change that and we keep following it. So I mean, I remember hearing about it about three years ago and it hasn't changed yet. So I just gave up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I guess that's where you just go with the flow, right? So, speaking of going with the flow, I hope y'all are ready for this elevation, because I think it's going to be valuable, very practical, I feel. I think a lot of people go through changes in their lives, while there's a change happening here, while they're expected to maintain in one other area, and you're doing this juggling act. And you're doing this juggling act and my question to you, corey, and to anyone listening, is how do you maintain or give of yourself at full capacity, at full potential?
Speaker 3:when you've got so many things going on.
Speaker 2:You know, like, what techniques are we using? What tricks, tips do we have? That's, um, let me say like this for me that's a a loaded question and I'm going to give an answer. Probably not very popular. And the reason why it's not so popular is because I just I don't like to give anything that I've started, anything that I'm doing. I do not like to give less than a hundred percent.
Speaker 2:I love pushing myself to the max, like if the speed goes to 160, then I want to go at 160 the entire time, and pacing is not really something that I'm doing. And do I get tired? Yes, do I feel worn out sometimes? Yes, but that's just how I operate. I can't operate at a medium speed. And you know this about me, jen If I'm writing a book, I'm writing the book and it's going to be 100 miles an hour.
Speaker 2:Music, or playing music, or I'm doing it at the most optimal speed and capacity that I can. And the same thing with my job. And the reason why I have to be that way is because I feel like I'm giving less of myself to one of the things if I'm not going, you know, going all out every single step of the way, and that's for my relationships, that's for my friendships. I make myself available as much as humanly possible, and my tip to do that and I'll just share briefly a little bit about that is loving hard is hard.
Speaker 2:It's not an easy task. Being a friend is tough. I've noticed in my older age that I don't have a whole bunch of friends. I don't have a whole bunch of people I hang around with, and so I realized at some point in time that this is very difficult to do and you got to work really hard at it. And if someone's not willing to work as hard as you're working to make that friendship relationship worker, co-worker, employee, employer relationship work, if they're not working as hard as you are, then it's probably not worth it and you should probably move on and go on to something that's going to be a little bit more lasting in your life.
Speaker 1:Well said, a lot said there.
Speaker 2:A whole lot said.
Speaker 1:Sorry, Come up. No, don't be sorry, I was like come up for some air. Clearly you've got your routine down with that and that may work for some right.
Speaker 1:Just to go full speed and go hard and that works for you and I've seen it and it's amazing. And, if I may, I get tired just looking at you sometimes, at how much you go and how fast you go. Here's what I've learned in the last four to five weeks. I get tired just looking at you sometimes, at how much you go and how fast you go. Here's what I've learned in the last four to five weeks. As you all know, we had this big move. We have changes at work, changes in the family dynamics, just you know other things going on, and if I had created a list, man Corey, that list would have been long with things to do, and so I started to say I need to prioritize, like what's important. You know, let me go there first.
Speaker 1:And, mind you everybody, we didn't take any days off of work, except, of course, the weekends. So we did all this and I, now that I'm chilling and relaxing a little bit, I'm able to go back and say how in the heck did you do that? Aside from having cory as a partner who will go on his own and just do the thing that needs to be done, I still had a very big part in all of it, and what I love is we were able to function in our own spaces, right, yeah? So here's the thing I learned that if I would have created a list and said I need to get this done, this, done, this, done, this, done, this, done that would have overwhelmed me. So what I did instead was everyone knows this technique, I think, is prioritizing, but here's what I mean by priorit. Everyone knows this technique, I think, is prioritizing, but here's what I mean by prioritizing.
Speaker 1:I also included not just what I wanted to get done first or what was most important, but the conversations I was going to have around it or not have around it was priority too. Here's what I mean. I think I could count in one hand how many people knew we were making this big transition. I didn't stop to tell everybody because I knew that was going to expend energy. You know what I mean? Yep, so there's that piece. I told people that had to know, like the people I report to at work, so they were understanding of the fact that, hey, something's going on in Jen's life that's super big, and we might have to repeat a thing or two or follow up, which isn't a normal thing for people to have to do with me. So there was that piece and I realized, when I put everything in priority in the way it should go, I was able to do more of the little things because it generated energy and momentum and power. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So there were things I did not let go of in the morning. I made sure to do it. I made sure to get clarity, spend my alone time, meditate, focus on that and just do the thing. Without that, I think it would have totally caught me off guard.
Speaker 2:So, jen, tell me your process, because you just mentioned something I think is very important. You said you didn't talk to anyone tell anyone, and I kind of did the same thing. I don't know if it's for the same reason, maybe we'll get into that, but tell me what drove you to keep your circle of information small man, because people are funny style right they're gonna be like I.
Speaker 1:This is what I just assumed, and so I played it safe because I didn't want that to happen if it was going to right. People like you know that cory and jen are moving. What's going on there? Do you know that cory and jen are moving? What's going on there? Do you know that they're moving into a smaller place? Actually and this just came out of nowhere, and I'll tell you why. I know this because you know, I'm not just talking out of my butt here, cory we had sold christmas items on social media for our own reason. Seeing that's the thing you don't give people context, what do people do? Got to figure out why? Right, we all love a good story, so if you don't give us a good story, we're going to make one up, and if you do give us one and it's not good enough, we're going to make it up. We'll make one up for you. So the story here was, as I was selling things, on Facebook Jen, do you need money?
Speaker 2:You know you just tell us and we'll help. And so you got to go a little bit deeper into that, because it wasn't just one or two things. We sold every Christmas item we had, and we were known for Christmas decorating, like someone had said that we had, at one point in time, a thousand snowmen that we had collected, which was nowhere near true. But once we started selling these things, people were very concerned and just couldn't figure out what could be the problem or the issue or what's going on, other than they're broken. They need money.
Speaker 1:Well, let's give that more context. That's actually a funnier story than someone said we had over 1,000 snowmen Friends this conversation happened over the pulpit at church on a Sunday morning.
Speaker 1:Okay, and it was embarrassing, and I'm not. I don't know what the implication was, whether it's because we celebrated too much or too much of the wrong thing, or I mean you could have pointed that to anything right Over a thousand snowmen, which is just a ludicrous idea, a thought, but I don't even know if the sermon was on greed self-control, I don't know. It could have been anything, but I'm like, why are we being brought up right now? So all that to say to answer your question, Corey, I didn't tell anyone, for those reasons.
Speaker 1:At first I didn't have the energy. We were focused, we had to be focused, and that's the thing. We had to be focused, and that's the thing. If you get distracted and you put the last thing first, it's so important to put the first thing first, first things first, yeah, and.
Speaker 2:And so I want to add to that because you're absolutely right, jen, and that's how I'm able to maintain that momentum, because any of the outside noise, any of of the bickering, complaining, finger pointing and this is what's really interesting where my professional life exists, there's always some type of something happening, and it's so difficult to lay low, keep your nose clean and not get involved. But I found that when I don't get involved, when I don't comment, when I'm not a part of what's the latest, greatest thing going on, I'm so focused and so determined to get things done, and so that's how I'm able to keep that momentum and keep the murmuring and complaining down.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you're really gatekeeping what is entering your space and what's not.
Speaker 2:Purposefully yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:And what I love is and I'm just going to be real, with all of the transitions in our, in our life, that just has happened. Cory, you are so efficient at the way you do things like there's hardly ever any have to do over moments with oh man, because your planning is all in your head and it happens, and then you just execute it.
Speaker 1:Planning is all in your head and it happens, and then you just execute it Right. So that's another way. Corey and I can be different in some ways. Where Corey is an extreme planner to the detail, I can say, ok, I'm about 50 percent planned. Let's just figure out the other 50 as we go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Speaker 2:Oh so you're getting closer and closer to 100. Yeah, can you imagine when I'm at that capacity? Man, I'm telling you. That's what makes it so easy to accelerate, once you've planned it thoroughly in your mind, written it out, recorded it. However you do it, or however many different ways you want to do it. Once you get to that point, it's all about cruise control, so you can set it at a hundred miles an hour and just go because you've planned it very thoroughly.
Speaker 2:And again and I say this to the people listening that find that there are someone always in your ear, always giving you bad advice or bad information or gossiping, which you know. I've had that happen to me quite a bit. I've just learned to do the uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, or I'll say something very random or agree with them, and they may feel like, oh, he's on my side, he agrees with me, but at the end of the day I could care less because I know I got to be focused. It's just too much to do, too much to get done and too many goals to accomplish. That's right.
Speaker 1:That's right. What I love about this moment and I'm going to do some, corey, that's going to totally surprise you. But I think it's right, what I love about this moment and I'm gonna do some, cory, that's gonna totally surprise you, um, but I think it's safe, okay, okay, um, I wanted to share with people some of the things that we do traditionally that we don't necessarily talk about, so here's some context anytime I have a leader, um, someone I report to, who transitions and moves on to another company, or I move to another company, to another position, there is always a very special, saved, intentional moment to share what I've learned from them, what I appreciate about them, and just kind of give them, you know, blessings and best wishes as we part ways, right? I think it's a very important thing to do in life, and it doesn't have to be with a person too.
Speaker 1:When we moved from our home that we were in for almost 13 years, corey, you led me through something that took me by surprise, not expecting, but it was the most beautiful thing and you sat there and you recognized everything that happened in that home, that was special to you and it was so beautifully said. And you asked me you know if I would share some things, and I shared. And you just go down memory lane and I remember first seeing that house and just that was the house the kids I don't want to say grew up in, but definitely their adolescent years. It was there. So I thought that was beautiful.
Speaker 2:I think that's important to you guys as we're transitioning, to recognize and what's the word cory went, not you, that you're paying homage, but you're showing respect, you're showing gratitude, yeah, for that moment in your life those moments are so important and so key to me because I got an opportunity to share so many different memories and stories, with a total of three kids and a wife in a house that we spent that amount of time in.
Speaker 2:And again, looking at it from that point of view, you can understand why we may alter the amount of space or alter the particular plan that we were on and change where we did. We didn't necessarily want to take away the memories, we wanted to just enjoy them and enlighten them and uplift them, and and so, in order to do that, we had to elevate in a different direction and, as I told jen, you know, sad but satisfied, and I walked away feeling satisfied with, uh, the closure that we had. And again, I need to be able to speed off into the sunset, but if I have thoughts, memories, concerns and things lingering from that last place that I was at, I won't speed away, I'll drive away slowly, looking in the rear view mirror, and I have no intentions on doing that with anything that I'm walking away from. I want to take those memories in the file cabinet to my mind and enjoy them, but nothing to slow me down beautifully said.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you. It's such a good practice that we've established um in in the years being together and we wanted to give that to you all. Um. Take that time, you know, whether it be by yourself or with someone that you're super close to, someone you love, someone who's been on just that journey with you, or even a part of it, to talk about it.
Speaker 1:I mean, we laughed, we cried, it was definitely bittersweet oh yeah and then just you know, say, man, if all this happened here, imagine what's next, what's to come? Yeah, what's next? What's to?
Speaker 2:come. I like it. As a matter of fact, I like it so much that I'm already enjoying the memories that we're creating here. And we've began to create memories Podcasting in a new room, podcasting in a different style room where it's pretty much dedicated to podcasting and recording at all angles, from music to audio books, to podcasts, to just taking notes, if you want to. But this is going to be that place where memories will be created, made and savored yeah, it's.
Speaker 1:It's such a really cool space. As I'm looking around um, I can easily get distracted, and I mean this this space is so inspiring I don't even have notes with me hey, that's a good thing, it's great. Everything about this just invites conversation, dialogue, creativity, bonding with people. Anyways, I love this space, I'm thankful for it, and I was telling you, corey man, this is happening towards the end of 2024. I wonder what 2025 is going to bring, which is something else I wanted to bring up too sure 2025 and and beyond, and just the transitions.
Speaker 1:I think everyone in my life right now is going through something major and it's not comfortable. I don't know if you've seen that trend in your group, corey of Friends.
Speaker 2:Well, I'll say it like this In this transition of moving and trying to maintain all the normal parts of life, we experienced a death in the family. That was a huge like wasn't a setback, it was just one of those whoa. I have to deal with this, and death is tough to deal with, and I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer at the end of the podcast, but I'm just saying you know, with life and great things and wonderful things happening, there's that aspect that we have to look at as well. And so this is what I say Be prepared for the dips, be prepared for the bumps, be prepared for the waves and sometimes the tidal waves of life that are going to come towards you. You can't know what they're going to be, you can't understand how to deal with them all, but just know that they're coming you know, understand how to deal with them all, but just know that they're coming, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So maybe a question to ask yourself uh, today is just spending some time and thinking about what do I have set up in my life when things come my way and they're unexpected. I love that. I got in touch with someone today, as a matter of fact, and we were able to just talk and you know she asked me hey, can you pray for me? I'm just going through some things. She let me know you know, really surface type stuff what was going on. I said absolutely, absolutely, because we should never, ever be too busy to not connect, to not care and not to show humanity and kindness and compassion for what other people are going through. You know, we're all going through it and I just feel that there's going to be some rocky moments ahead and I also feel and know that there's going to be huge wins.
Speaker 1:And speaking of wins, this is something else I learned too. When you are overwhelmed or you've got a lot of things going on, you got to figure out what do I do first. Man, it is so powerful to go for this. Easy wins, right, just get the things done that you can get done quickly that are just going to motivate you, encourage you, lift you up. That's so important that you find ways to lift yourselves up. And I know guys, I know that we have been on the elevator day for like I think this is the 336th episode and I'm certain this is a repeat kind of message, but I just can't even begin to tell you how important it is. It's so important to stay true to who you are and do the thing.
Speaker 2:I agree with you a hundred percent. But, jen, I have to rewind just a little bit because you, you breezed over that. So here's a situation where you know you have a partner in life or you have a wife or a husband or a mate that does something and shows up that really moves the needle, and that's what I seen tonight. You know I and I have to be honest. Let me be really honest. I'm going to be very transparent. I was extremely tired. I wanted to just go home, I just wanted to eat.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You had a plan and go to bed. Yeah, my plan was being altered in real time and I was just like I just want to go home, I just want to do what I need to do. I've been working all day. Can we just wrap this up? But my, my mate and my partner and my spouse decided to be not only a blessing to someone, but to show up in a way that really changed someone's life, and I watched that in real time and had to eat some humble pie, because what I realized is it's nice to get things done, it's nice to go a hundred miles an hour, but everyone has to slow down and stop at some point in time for whatever the change may be and me, being a champion and a pioneer of change, should know that.
Speaker 1:But I saw it happening and I'm so proud of you, I'm so happy that you did that, and I watched someone just he turned a frown upside down and just made someone's day completely, uh, much better for them to to survive thank you for that yeah it was a special moment and I think I told you after I said that's, that's my happy spaces, those are my sweet spots, and I was very grateful and also humbled for that moment and thank you just for being there and not like cussing me out Not that you ever do that but you know, I know you had a plan and I was like, oh my goodness, corey, just stay right here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the plan didn't even matter. After I seen that. As a matter of fact, the moment that I seen her face, I was like you know what? That was a pretty jerk move to pull. Corey, you just need to take this in and enjoy this as much as possible, because you don't see this every day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, for sure. You don't see this every day, yeah, yeah, for sure. So I hope that anything here landed with you well, and it was something that you needed to hear and I really want to say this to you whoever's listening that you are like so enough and you've got what you need to get through this. Lean on your support system, hold on to the things that keep you grounded, the things that you need to be able to function at your capacity. Um, so, thank you for being here for this episode and you know, last episode we had shared that man, uh, the fuzzy furry forest. I love. It now includes a soundtrack. Guys, like, come on, that's what I'm saying, like I was like in the middle of the move. We're really doing this and I cannot take any credit for this soundtrack, and I give all props and love to cory john, our son-in-law, michaela, our beautiful, talented, wonderful, kind, just everything, everything to us, michaela, who put this together, and I think we're going to play a song.
Speaker 2:We're going to play a song every week at the end of the podcast and enjoy it. You have to turn the volume up on the bluetooth over there. Okay, let me turn and do this but yeah, I, as I as promised, we're gonna do this and hope you enjoy it, and I'm gonna let jen take us on out, yeah so, by the way, this music goes with the books that we have and cory has written two already.
Speaker 1:Ruffles is on amazon, oswald the wise old owl is also on amazon and you can find it easier by searching cory k-o-r-y l is the middle initial body, last name, b-o-d-y, and get your hands on these books. They're great and this is the music to go along with it.
Speaker 1:So just imagine you're reading this with your kids and you put on a song and you just take off, either dancing in the room or just sitting there, you know, cuddling. You're just having a great time. That's what we did this for, and so you had the full experience. So I hope you enjoy it. And what's the song called? Corey.
Speaker 2:It's called Ruffles in the Forest.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:So this is the first book Ruffles.
Speaker 3:Okay, here we go. Sorry, sorry and be neat. Ruffles learned a lesson Losing is okay, fair play is the message on this bright new day. Conflicted in his head, byring goes up in a head, but winning with the springs wouldn't really mean anything. Lesson in the trees Honesty when seized Value in the losing. Smiling in the breeze. Ruffles learn the lesson Losing is okay, fair play is the message On this bright new day. Ruffles learned a lesson Losing is okay, fair play is the message on this bright new day.
Speaker 1:Hey, hey now Love that.
Speaker 2:I love it too and, like Jen said, we've made quite a few songs We've done a total of nine and so we're going to just be putting out songs and putting out books and Jen is so modest when she's telling you guys about the books, but she's also authoring the next book that's coming out, called Sheriff Slinky Snake, and that'll be out in December. So just be on the lookout for the things that we're doing and the fun we're having, and we love sharing the stuff that we're doing with you guys. So hope you enjoy and, hey, tell us what you think. Yeah, maybe what we're doing with you guys, so hope you enjoy and and and.
Speaker 1:Hey, tell us what you think, yeah, maybe what you're doing, and and we'd love to talk to you about your projects. Anyways, ruffles had a lesson I hope you heard it in the song and parents, we're trying to teach you kids losing's okay as long as we're playing fair right.
Speaker 2:I mean there's a winner and a loser and everything and everything, so the loser has to get good comfortable with losing as well.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. Well, everyone, it has been such a pleasure. Have a beautiful day, a beautiful week. Until next time, you know us at, take the Elevator. We say look up and let's elevate Every day. Elevate, let's elevate every day, elevate every day, elevate every day, elevate every day.